Friday, December 7, 2007

Husbands and wives

Some people who have never experienced the power of of working together as a team on a course, are often skeptical that growth can occur. One weekend we had a group of husbands and wives at the course and they had to go through as a pair, helping, encouraging, talking, laughing, sweating, and so much more. When they came off the course each one of them expressed that it had been an extraordinary day

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Wednesday, December 5, 2007

bound feet

It was a tradition in ancient China to bind the feet of little girls because small feet were considered beautiful. The shoes that were worn over these disfigured feet were beautiful but the feet underneath were horrifying. I bought a pair of these shoes the other day and I was blown away at just how tiny they were. In life sometimes we allow circumstances, or people to keep us from growing and reaching our full potential. Just like these shoes bound the feet, we can be bound by fear, embarrassment, disbelief, anger......too many things. Congratulations to my sister Keri who choose not to be bound by her circumstances or people and now is graduating with honors from nursing school. I am so proud of you!!!!!!! The women of ancient China did not have a choice but we do. Go out today, throw off your shoes and smile.
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Tuesday, December 4, 2007

english class

Last May I offered an English class in the village. At the end of the week I had about 20 kids of all ages in the house. The last day we had ice cream and had fun taking pictures. I am already looking forward to the May holiday and teaching them again.

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chest hair

How is this for getting personal? The kids can't believe all the chest hair that Ric has. I think they even pulled a few off just to make sure it was real. :) Most of the Chinese have little body hair so for the kids it was something new.
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Sunday, December 2, 2007

This is the air we breath.

Last summer on the news there was a lot of concern about the air quality for the Olympics. We have seen some improvement, and these pictures are taken on a BAD day, but it is still a major concern. The health of our kids is not something we take lightly so we would appreciate your prayers concerning their health. Now you can see another reason we are so thankful for the village and the work Ric does that gets us out of the city.

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